Below you will find a list of upcoming events that I will be participating in.
Please continue to check back for more events in the future.

Wednesday, November 15, 2023 12:00-1:00 pm (via zoom)
Eating Together, Being Together. Share meals: Set the table for family connection


 Below you will find a list of select past events that I have participated in.

October 2023 with Julian Clauss-Ehlers and Dr. Pamela Koch
How to Build Connections and Eat for Your Soul, Body, and the Planet Cooking demonstration event at TC (Re)Unites Healthy Planet Healthy People, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, NY

October 2023 Book presentation for Inaugural Teachers College Alumni Authors' Celebration TC (Re)Unites Healthy Planet Healthy People, Gottesman Libraries of Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, NY

September 2023 with Dr. Terrence J. Roberts
The Art of Seeing Truth Through the Fog of Fictional Narratives: Lessons Learned from Little Rock
Keynote Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Rosalynn Carter Fellowships for Mental Health Journalism at The Carter Center, Atlanta, GA

September 2023 Identidad y Contexto para el Autocuidado de Profesionales de la Salud Mental: Combatiendo el Agotamiento y el Estrés en un Crisis Social (Identity and Context for Self-Care Among Mental Health Professionals: Combatting Burnout and Stress in a Social Crisis) Invited Presentation for the Jornada Internacional de Investigación en Psicología (International Research Conference in Psychology) at the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Lima Perú (presented virtually)

August 2023 Self-care for Mental Health Professionals: Combatting Burnout and Stress Workshop for the Academy Training Department of the New York Psychotherapy and Counseling Center, New York, NY (presented virtually)

May 2023 Understanding Signs and Symptoms of Depression and Anxiety and the Role Stigma Plays in Decreasing Help Seeking Invited Presentation for the Inaugural Mental Health Awareness Program, United States Railroad Retirement Board, Chicago, IL (presented virtually)

March 2023 Eating Mindfulness
Invited Presentation for the Anderson Family-to -Family Talk at The Anderson School, New York, NY (presented virtually)

January 2023 Understanding the Impact of Anxiety and Social Isolation among Adolescents post-COVID: Strategies for Working with Students and Parents in the School Setting
Training Workshop for the New York Psychotherapy and Counseling Center, New York, NY (presented virtually)